Developing the Website.

I don't have much time. So development of this website will take time and it will grow slowly - slowly like an olive tree.
German and English.
The internet connects people world wide. And so am I. To establish international contact I use the english language. For me it's not always easy to find the right words or vocabulary. I hope I get it right in most cases. I like this challenge.
An internet forum I really love is the US American Pentax Forum. There I can see many unbelievable compelling images and the enthusiastic photographers discuss, dispute and give tips concerning photographic topics abundantly. This is one reason, why I decided to offer my website on photography internationally using the english language.
Unfortunately narrow time will prevent me from offering all the content in english language - I beg your pardon.
Comments on content of the website.
With this website you come to know something about and form me. This I do from my own motivation and because of fun. I'd really appreciate your feedback. So on some pages I give you the opportunity to comment the contents.
As the provider of this website I'm in charge of everything that is published through this site. Therefore I hope that you understand that I provide this function only to registered users after login. The comments will be published, your e-mail address will be not. It is handled confidently. Last but not least the transmission of the website is securely encrypted.
More Information on privacy you can read here.
Hint: The comments function actually is used only in testing operation. Account registration is only possible via personal contact to the provider of the website.
Important technical hints.
This site uses JavaScript to implement navigation. If you deactivate JavaScript within the browser, the website will not function in the intended manner. I therefore strongly recommend to activate JavaScript.
Because this site is developed using a simple responsive design mobile devices with small display sizes will show the content mostly appropriate. Tablet displays generally are sized sufficient so a fixed layout is automatically chosen.
To look at the images I recommend using tablets with good display. They are handy and mostly offer good or brilliant image quality. You can enjoy the images very much. Another benefit is that slides can be wiped by finger gestures.
Using the following button you can switch between desktop and mobile layout:
Made with Contao.
This website is built by using the amazing Open Source CMS Contao. Thanks to the Contao developers and everybody who helps to make this software better! Special thanks to Peter Müller who introduced me to Contao by his book "Websites erstellen mit Contao".